Archive | March, 2016


10 Mar

NPM : 15212614

I got an assignment from my English lecturer businesses recognize the keyword from the fifth word, but I attracted to the word “Two factors theory of motivation”. According to a research study by hertberg factors on motivation theory those are :
1. Achievement in the work place
2. Recognition approximately
3. Work it self
4. Work responsibility and
5. Opportunities to develop
According to the above factors must be underlying and practiced in daily life, but I think the two factors theory of motivation those are pray and spirit that is based in my self.
Whatever I do and work always begin with pray. Perhaps anyone who reads this article won’t believe but this is the reality. This is the beginning of the story :
Upon graduation junior high school, I interd to continue the healthy school to realize my dream to be a doctor then I desire to study at SMK Harapan Bangsa with many tests and for several days. I took the results and the results of y pass and it turns out the entry fee is too expensive then my parents couldn’t atford it. What an I do not force it and try to continue to go another school.
A few days later, I with my mother to find a school but in my mind it was the most important is the school not long ago I enruled in a school with test and alhamdulilah I got the top 10 there. I intend to a higher level school but I don’t want to think wherever after the national examination. I got a letter from gunadarma university and alhamdulilah I got scholarship so it can relieve some burder o my parents.
And even now I am at Gunadarma University, I always had passion for it that only I can do. Ipk score always vising continuously. Every test I always try to learn because it’s a great opportunity and I won’t waske it. Maybe many people judge my study was relaxed and easy but sometimes I feel lessconfident but after seeing my parents a sense of all that too lost.
I feel embrassed it discouraged my parents just always passion to make a living for their life, their children and their parents.
I know that my parents always pray for their children.I also often ask pray for my parents that my lectureis always smooth affair especially when the test I always ask for the blessing before leaving to be giben the ease in answering the questions)
And sometimes when I’m having problems in the lecture I had to be patient, pray and always remembered my parents because they are my motivation when I graduated I had to work whatever for the experience. This is my story, see you the next discussion. Thanks for reading and I hope to be seful.